(v1) Support for WMS
Kristine Haugen Pedersen (Deactivated)
Support for WMS
Mapit allows you to display layers provided by the WMS protocol (and legends associated with these layers) on the map.
How to add
To add map sources and layers, go to Mapit for JIRA, Map settings in the Jira Administrator Panel and locate the Map sources section.
Click the button Add new WMS source
In the dialog box, enter WMS URL (GetCapabilities) and then press the Read button.
If you want to try it out, you can use this demo:
If WMS URL you entered is correct, then a list of available layers will be displayed. Select the ones you want to share with users of the Mapit gadget, fill in the Attribution field and then press the Add new WMS source button
As a result, you will receive a new row in the table (as shown below). Enter the name that will be visible in Mapit gadget and check the checkbox in the Show column - to share the WMS layers.
You can also make this the default layer, by choosing the Default radio button.
The Details button will allow you to return to the dialog box with previously selected layers, to makecanges .
You can delete the data row with the Delete button, as long as it is not set as the default map source.
Now go to Mapit gadget and check the availability and correctness of the layers added by you in the new WMS section.
That's all.
Successful work with WMS layers.