General configuration

General configuration

This page refers to the general configuration of the Mapit plugin. Map-specific settings are covered in the Configuring map settings page.

Changes in the Mapit configuration pages are stored when you hit Enter or move to the next setting.

Custom field setup

Before you can start using the Mapit plugin, you need to set up some custom fields to store location information for issues.


1. Creating custom fields

Mapit makes use of 3 different custom fields to store location information. If you don't have these fields already, you need to create them: 

  1. A custom field to store geographic latitude position 
    We recommend that the custom field name contains "Lat" or "Latitude" (or translations of these). We also recommend adding some explanatory text in the custom field description, such as: "Geographic latitude position for this issue. Format is decimal degrees, e.g. 52.5170365"
  2. A custom field to store geographic longitude position
    We recommend that the custom field name contains "Long" or "Longitude" (or translations of these). We also recommend adding some explanatory text in the custom field description, such as: "Geographic longitude position for this issue. Format is decimal degrees, e.g. 13.3888599"
  3. A custom field to store address information
    We recommend that the custom field name contains "Address" for clarity.

All custom fields must be of type Text Field (single line)


Please refer to the following Atlassian documentation pages for more information on how to create custom fields:


2. Placing custom fields on screens

The custom fields for latitude position, longitude position and address need to be placed on issue screens in order for them to be visible to your users. If creating custom fields from the admin section, you will be asked to do this in the last step of the creation process, but you can also do this manually. Please refer to the following Atlassian documentation for your preferred method:

3. Associate custom fields with Mapit parameters

Once the custom fields have been created, they need to be mapped to the correct Mapit parameters. Go to the add-ons administration section of your JIRA instance, and choose "General configuration" in the Mapit Configuration section. 

  1. First, select the custom field that should be used to store latitude position

  2. Next, select the custom field that should be used to store longitude position

  3. Finally, select the custom field that should be used to store address information


Note that only custom fields of type Text Field (single line) will be listed in the drop-downs, since this is the required custom field type. 


Issue settings

In addition to the custom fields, you can choose whether your users should be able to create issues from the map.

When this setting is enabled, and the user has searched for an address in the Mapit gadget or placed a pin in the map by right-clicking, the popup showing the search location information will also contain a link to create an issue directly. When issues are created directly from the map, location/address information is included automatically, i.e. the issue is geotagged. 

This setting is enabled by default, and the feature is described in the user guide Creating an issue from the map

Debug settings

If you would like to enable debug logging to the browser's console, check this box.