Other settings

Other settings

Default Mapit dashboard

When the user clicks "View issue in Mapit" from the More Actions issue menu of a JIRA issue, Mapit will open a new browser tab showing the issue in the map.

This setting controls whether the new browser tab should contain a shared dashboard with Mapit, or a full screen version of the Mapit gadet.

Enter a dashboard id of a shared dashboard containing the Mapit gadget, or leave blank. Leaving the field blank will result in the issue being shown in a full-screen view of the Mapit gadget, but please note that this mode will result in limited functionality. It is therefore recommended to set a default Mapit dashboard.


If the dashboard id you enter does not contain the Mapit gadget, an error message will be shown.


Override Attachments location

In Mapit, there is a special filter to only view issues with attachments. In order for this to work, Mapit needs to know where to look for attachments.

By default,  Mapit uses "JIRA-HOME"\data\attachments when checking if attachments exists or not. 

If this location does not match your setup, you can add the correct path here. 

Enable ProFields support

See ProFields configuration.


Debug settings

If you would like to enable debug logging to the browser's console, check this box.